Rooted in Faith, Committed to Excellence
The VCHS fills the need for our students to bridge the gap of Secondary and Advanced pre university Education in Ghana. Our focus is to equip learners for success in this changing world. Families already with us and families that would like to join us have the opportunity to continue their education with the Cambridge Lower Secondary program (ages 11-14), the Cambridge Upper Secondary program (ages 14-16) and eventually the Cambridge Advanced Program (16-19 years old).

Preparing Christ centered world leaders.
Create an environment where students learn to honour God, serve Humanity and achieve their potential.
Core Values
Elements of the VCHS Education
Six elements lie at the heart of a Cambridge education at VCHS: Christ centered, international curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, international recognition and global community.

Teaching and Learning
Cambridge also provides professional development for our teachers, to help them improve their performance and practice throughout their careers. Teaching practices that develop the ability of students to reflect on their learning are encouraged. Schools can draw on a wealth of teaching and learning resources and training for Cambridge IGCSE.

Global Community
Cambridge schools belong to a worldwide education community with connections to other teachers around the world so they can share views, information and resources, and learn from one another.

There is a focus on Christ and students are led in the development of a Christian worldview in all aspects of their education.

Cambridge designs our assessments to be fair, valid, reliable and practicable. We assess what we know to be of value: deep subject knowledge, conceptual understanding, and higher-level thinking skills. Our flexible assessment structure maximizes time for teaching and learning. Assessment takes place at the end of the course and includes written, oral, coursework and practical assessment.

International Curriculum
There are a wide range of subjects with a flexibility in how to offer them. Cambridge supports us in developing a curriculum that suits our context, culture and ethos, and that we tailor to our students’ needs. Leading universities and employers worldwide accept Cambridge IGCSE as evidence of academic ability

International Recognition
A Cambridge qualification is widely recognized by universities and employers. Cambridge students can be confident that their qualifications will be understood and valued throughout their education and career, in Ghana and internationally.